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Thinking Out Loud

Do You Have a Life?

Joseph Campbell speaks about choosing a profession in Reflections on the Art of Living. He says, “There are two approaches to choosing a profession. One is to study the statistics on the number of jobs that are going to be available in this other category in the next 10 years and base your life on that. That’s following the rim of the wheel. The other is to ask yourself, “What do I want to do?” If you do that, then you are up against your decision. But if you say, “I am going to do what I want to do,” and if you stay with it, then something will happen. You may not have a job, but you will have a life, and it will be interesting. P.266

Note: I know excellent musicians who have not made the big splash, but they’ve followed their heart and kept playing music. Some play on the street with a jar for donations, some take any kind of gig they can get because it’s all about the music and their relationship to it. They take any job they can get to pay the rent and eat. They’re at their happiest when they are playing music, they have a life. Have you ever asked yourself “What do I want to do? Perhaps this is a good time to take the first step in asking that question and maybe finding the life you seek.

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