Site icon Looking on the Bright Side

Feel Good Tip ~ The 8 Things The Happiest People Do Every Day

The Happiest People Do the Following. How many do you do?

  1. They devote a great amount of time to their family and friends, nurturing and enjoying those relationships.
  2. They are comfortable expressing gratitude for all they have.
  3. They are often the first to offer helping hands to coworkers and passersby.
  4. They practice optimism when imagining their futures.
  5. They savor life’s pleasures and try to live in the present moment.
  6. They make physical exercise a weekly and even daily habit.
  7. They are deeply committed to lifelong goals and ambitions (e.g., fighting fraud, building cabinets, or teaching their children their deeply held values).
  8. Last but not least, the happiest people do have their share of stresses, crises, and even tragedies. They may become just as distressed and emotional in such circumstances as you or I, but their secret weapon is the poise and strength they show in coping in the face of challenge.


Note; A wise person told me, “Ray we always find time to do what we want to do.” If I want to be happier, I’ll find time to make the items on this list part of my life. Is it time for a personal assessment on how you choose to spend you time?

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