💡 Something to Think About

Two things we value most when  lost: Love and health. Never lose a single opportunity to show those you love how much you love them. Tomorrow may be too late. Treat your body as a precious and beautiful gift.   

💡 Something to Think About

Choices We can whine and complain. We can get angry, holler and argue. We can get going and figure out the best way to move forward. The right choice is a no brainer for emotionally healthy people.

💡 Something to Think About

I've met folks who like to say, "I could have, I should have, I would have." They never did. They always had a ready excuse. Don't be afraid, don't let anxiety lock you into a self-imposed prison, step up, step out, don't look back.

💡 Something to Think About

The who you are is perfect. No need to live up to someone else's ideal of what you should be. Love the dark and light places within you. and you'll fall in love with someone very special.

💡 Something to Think About

Reality shows are popular because they allow us to catch a glimpse a view of ourselves. In one fell swoop we are a comedy, tragedy, drama, and romance. Enjoy the ride, it's the only ride we've got.