Today’s Thinking Out Loud reflection is on Harper Lee’s  work, To Kill a Mockingbird.

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”

Note: It takes courage to stand alone against the crowd (in can be anywhere) to support something you know is right, but the crowd doesn’t want to hear. If you know in your heart you are right, you take the stand and along with it, the consequences. I found myself in that situation several times. I have the scars to prove it. I can look back and wonder where I found the courage. All I know is that it was there at the right moment. I think that’s how it works. You have to face it, alone. When you do, the courage awakens within you, and you discover strength you didn’t realize was there.

By Ray Calabrese

I am an optimistic, can do, and never quit guy. The spirit of hope indelibly marks my DNA. My research at The Ohio State University helped people discover the best in themselves and change their personal lives, public organizations, and whole communities. I bring the same spirit and enthusiasm to my blog to help those who grieve who find themselves suddenly alone, navigate their grieving. Join my more than 24,300Twitter (@alwaysgoodstuff). I promise my tweets are always good stuff. Please feel free to email me at

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