Thinking Out Loud: Will You Always Wonder?

Today's reflection takes inspiration from Cervantes' "Don Quixote", reinforcing the notion that luck favors the bold and the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise. Based on personal career experience and advice from a seasoned colleague, the author advocates the benefits of risk-taking. They acknowledge letting good opportunities pass by due to hesitation, but also celebrate memorable adventures resulting from boldness. Stressing the idea that such opportunities may not come twice, the author encourages individuals to embrace risks, for it's better to know the consequence than to bear the burden of 'what could have been'.

Today’s Poem: The Gentle Water Bird by John Shaw Neilson

John Shaw Neilson's "The Gentle Water Bird" explores the narrator's journey from fear of an intimidating, 'thunder-blue' God to an understanding of a kinder divinity through the metaphor of a graceful, wise water bird. The bird represents compassion, knowledge, and tranquility, ultimately transforming the narrator's worldview.

Feel Like You Have too much Mucus? These Foods Will Hel

Pineapple, ginger, garlic, turmeric, lemon, honey, berries, steamed vegetables, herbal teas, and warm liquids can help alleviate excessive mucus. Staying hydrated and avoiding dairy, processed foods, and sugar is recommended.