Feeling Good Tip of the Day ~ We’re Designed to be Active & Engaged

We are designed to be active and engaged. Our level of engagement is directly related to what is meaningful in our life. When we make a decision to commit to something or someone beyond ourselves our lives fill with meaning. Meaning gives us a reason to get up, get dressed and get moving. It provides … Continue reading Feeling Good Tip of the Day ~ We’re Designed to be Active & Engaged

Think About It ~ Story Sharing Has Many Benefits

Each of us is a composite of stories. I called my brother yesterday and wished him a merry Christmas. During during our conversation we began to share childhood stories. We each had fond memories of where we grew up, the people who lived in the tenements, and our experiences with them. We laughed at windows … Continue reading Think About It ~ Story Sharing Has Many Benefits

Think About It ~ Listening Holds Great Benefits

It takes time to listen. In today's fast-paced world we often set aside listening to pursue what has our immediate attention. Yet, when we listen to others, we hear their stories and discover how much their stories are similar to ours. We discover, in spite of differences of thought, we share a common set of … Continue reading Think About It ~ Listening Holds Great Benefits

🖋 Writer’s Wisdom: 10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer

"10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer Write. Write more. Write even more. Write even more than that. Write when you don’t want to. Write when you do. Write when you have something to say. Write when you don’t. Write every day. Keep writing." ― Brian Clark

Writers’ Wisdom: Difference Between Talented & Good Writing

Talented writing is, however, something else. You need talent to write fiction. Good writing is clear. Talented writing is energetic. Good writing avoids errors. Talented writing makes things happen in the reader’s mind—vividly, forcefully—that good writing, which stops with clarity and logic, doesn’t. ~ Samuel R. Delan