Today’s Thought: You Have a Future

I was watching a movie last night. One of the characters was in prison awaiting parole and looking forward to getting back together with his girlfriend. A fellow inmate asked him, "What are you going to do when you get out?" He responded, "I hope we can live a normal life and we have a … Continue reading Today’s Thought: You Have a Future

Today’s Poem: Love Hour by Pieter Cornelis Boutens

The poem "Love Hour" by Pieter Cornelis Boutens describes different times of day as moments of love and natural beauty. From the white dawn to the sun approaching noontime and the evening, each moment is depicted as a time for love and beauty to flourish in nature.

Today’s Health Fact: Chew Slowly Lose Weight

Chewing Thoroughly Can Aid Weight Management: Chewing food slowly and thoroughly not only improves digestion but can also help in weight management. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register that you are full, so eating more slowly can prevent overeating and help maintain a healthy weight. Source: ChatGPT