Thinking Out Loud: Very Few Things are Impossible

Today's reflection is on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, emphasizing the shift from impossibility thinking to possibility thinking. By eliminating negativity, we reveal opportunities often invisible and open new universes of possibilities.

Today’s Mind Sharpening Anagram – Can You Solve It?

Today’s mind sharpening anagram is a two or three word phrase related to a health related topic. Can you unscramble the anagram to discover the two or three word phrase? Today's Anagram:  

“The Wind” A Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "The Wind" portrays the wind as a mysterious, powerful entity that affects nature yet remains unseen. The speaker questions whether it's an unseen beast or a mightier child.

5 Reasons Sweet Potatoes Are Good For You

Sweet potatoes may reduce cancer risk due to antioxidants, support digestive health due to high fiber and plant sterols, manage Type-2 diabetes, improve eye health via beta-carotene conversion to vitamin A, and enhance immune function.