Thinking Out Loud: Don’t Let Your Wounds Cripple You

Today’s Thinking Out Loud reflection is on Cervantes  work, Don Quixote.

“Which Don Quixote replied, wounds received in battle confer honor instead of taking it away; And so, friend Panza say no more. But as I have told thee before, get up as well as thou can, and put me on top of thy beast in whatever fashion pleases thee best, and let us go hence . . .” ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Note: We have all been wounded. The poet, Robert Bly, would do workshops for men. He would give them sticky notes to place on the parts of their bodies where they felt they were wounded. We’ve been wounded emotionally and physically. No one is immune. Instead of bemoaning our wounds. We can look at them with great delight. We can see how strong they have made us. We were strong enough to receive the wound and to heal. We gained strength and endurance from the wound. I can review my life and look at the times I was wounded. I didn’t enjoy being wounded. But I am grateful for how strong they have made me. Don’t let your wounds cripple you. Let your wounds be a source of strength.

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