Episode 12: My Prayers Went Unanswered and My Grieving Went on Unabated

Episode 12 from my Podcast: Journey from Grief to Healing M wants me to journal about unanswered prayers. I knew I was angry with God for letting Babe die. I didn't realize how angry I felt. This journal was difficult for me to write. I knew it had to be done. I couldn't continue to … Continue reading Episode 12: My Prayers Went Unanswered and My Grieving Went on Unabated

Thinking Out Loud: Who Are You?

Ralph Waldo Emerson argues that our destiny lies in the decisions we make, differentiating between choosing a career (what to be) and our deeper, intrinsic self (who to be).

It’s Time to Exercise Your Brain – Take the Anagram Challenge 

Today’s mind sharpening anagram is a two or three word phrase. Can you unscramble the anagram to discover the two or three word phrase? It's time to exercise your brain!  Today's Anagram:   

Journey’s End, a Poem by J. R. R. Tolkien

"Journey's End" by J.R.R Tolkien explores nature's beauty, from blooming flowers to singing finches, expressing his refusal to bid farewell to the enduring sun and stars, despite life's journey's end.

5 Ways to Prevent Muscle Loss as You Age

To prevent age-related muscle loss, incorporate strategies such as sufficient protein intake, resistance training, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and regular walking, while prioritizing quality sleep, hydration, stress management, and medical consultation.