Thinking Out Loud: Opt for Peace

Dr. Martin Luther King's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech underlines nonviolence as the answer to political and moral issues. It urges individuals to choose nonviolence, kindness, civility, and compassion in daily life.

Today’s Poem: Fate by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fate  Ralph Waldo Emerson That you are fair or wise is vain,Or strong, or rich, or generous;You must have also the untaught strainThat sheds beauty on the rose.There is a melody born of melody,Which melts the world into a sea.Toil could never compass it,Art its height could never hit,It came never out of wit,But a … Continue reading Today’s Poem: Fate by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Elimate these Foods for Optimum Health

For health, limit processed foods, added sugars, trans fats, excessive red and processed meats, and high-sodium foods. Balance, moderation, and consulting with health professionals are key.