Thinking Out Loud: Don’t Let Your Wounds Cripple You

Today’s Thinking Out Loud reflection is on Cervantes  work, Don Quixote. “Which Don Quixote replied, wounds received in battle confer honor instead of taking it away; And so, friend Panza say no more. But as I have told thee before, get up as well as thou can, and put me on top of thy beast … Continue reading Thinking Out Loud: Don’t Let Your Wounds Cripple You

Today’s Poem: The Paradox by Paul Laurence Dunbar

"The Paradox" by Paul Laurence Dunbar presents a complex entity who embodies dichotomous traits of life and death, serving both as the healer of sorrows and the gateway to an eternal peace.

Joke of the Day: Joe’s Seeing Spots

Joe: 'I went to the optometrist because I was seeing spots and she prescribed new glasses." Pete: "Did they work?" Joe: "Yah. Now, the sports are brighter and clearer."