Thinking Out Loud: Never Quit, It Will Work Out

Today's reflection on Alice in Wonderland emphasizes perseverance in the face of adversity. Drawing parallels from Alice's relentless search for a way out, it highlights how persisting through uncertain trials can result in unexpected solutions.

Today’s Mind Sharpening Anagram – Can You Solve It?

Today’s mind sharpening anagram is a two or three word phrase related to a health related topic. Can you unscramble the anagram to discover the two or three word phrase? Hint: 3 words Today's Anagram:  

“The Secret” A Poem by Ralph S. Cushman

"The Secret" by Ralph S. Cushman explores the narrator's experience with God's presence. Using a maritime metaphor, he shares how he's found peace amidst turmoil. The secret, he reveals, is seeking God early in the day.

Today’s Joke: Joe’s Doesn’t Understand Why His Buddy Was Fired

Joe: "I'm upset. My buddy Tony got fired and he always went the extra mile." Pete: "What did he do?" Joe: "He was a taxi driver."

4 Reasons Why You Should Add Cinnamon to Your Diet

Cinnamon tea may alleviate menstrual symptoms, heart-related problems, chronic inflammation, and regulate blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients. However, due to the presence of coumarin, adults should limit intake to one teaspoon daily to prevent health risks.