Thinking Out Loud: Where Do You Want to Go with Your Life?

"Appreciative Inquiry" emphasizes how inquiry and change occur simultaneously; questions we ask impact our lives and futures. Thus, asking the right questions is crucial to reach our life goals.

It’s Time to Exercise Your Brain – Take the Anagram Challenge 

Today’s mind sharpening anagram is a two or three word phrase. Can you unscramble the anagram to discover the two or three word phrase? It's time to exercise your brain!  Today's Anagram:   Erie shippon

DYN the Physical, Mental, and Social Benefits of Laughter?

Laughter benefits health by relaxing the body, boosting the immune system, releasing endorphins, protecting the heart, burning calories, easing anger, and potentially prolonging life, especially for cancer patients.

Today’s Joke: Joe Wonders if Was Adopted

Joe: "I asked my dad if I was adopted." Pete: "What did he say?" Joe: "He said, no I wasn't, but when I was young they put ads in paper to see if they could get any takers."